Testimonies / 得救見證


郭天佑、郭天諾 Teddy & Evan Kwok




兒子們,我們父母禱告的,「就是要你們的愛心在知識和各樣識見上增長,越來越多,使你們認定要緊的事;這樣,到了基督的日子,你們會成為純潔、無可詬病的人, 並且靠着耶穌基督,結滿公義的果子,最終使神得榮耀,得頌讚。」(腓1:9-11新漢語)

Praise our Lord for Teddy and Evan’s baptism. Perhaps because Teddy and Evan have been nurtured in faithful and loving Christian communities since birth, they are excited to become members of God’s household.

Teddy and Evan have been blessed to attend Sunday school since preschool age. They have had Sunday school teachers teaching them Bible stories faithfully and creatively every week. Now at the age of 8 and 7, they have a reservoir of Biblical knowledge and are able to articulate basic faith concepts.

They are also blessed to have Christian resources that are thoughtfully designed for their young age. Audio Bible stories have helped to see the whole Bible from a bird’s eye view. A children devotion book has helped them connect God and faith with everyday life. Bible quiz exercises have helped them grasp Bible stories and concepts. Over the last year, they get more comfortable praying to God. They would pray for family members, COVID-19, Ukraine, and their own baptisms. God is becoming a Reality in their conscious.

Our prayer for our sons is “that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” (Phil. 1:9-11)


藍信諾 Joshua Emmanuel Lan




In August 2015, Helen and I attended a two-week program at a bible school in Panama. During that time, a sister in Christ happened to be talking with Helen about whether we wanted a child, and went on to pray for us that God would grant us a child. None of us knew that in fact Helen was already pregnant at that time, and our Joshua was an extra attendant at that bible school for those two weeks.

Our Lord had already granted us our gift when Helen prayed to have a child to be of his servant. I’m not sure how much Joshua learned during those two weeks in Panama, but it is our hope that as Joshua grows he will seek our Lord, stay on His path and serve His purpose.

We named him, in English, Joshua Emmanuel. Joshua like the faithful servant in the Old Testament who trusted in the Lord and eventually led the Israelites to claim the promised land, and Emmanuel in the hope that the Lord will always be with him, as He was with Joshua in the Old Testament. In Chinese, it is our hope that our son will learn to believe and trust in the promise of our Lord Jesus.











加拿大資源豐富、人民友善,多麼優秀的國家。但是,我們這第一代移民求職謀生卻不易。十多年生活在封閉的中國。生活習慣、處世待人、理念觀點,和外面的世界都不同。很難融入。惟有拚命賺錢,各人做好幾份工,希望明天會更好。結果,事不如人願,先生得了鼻咽癌,電療傷了視神經,雙目失明。憂慮惶恐籠罩著這個家。誰能每個星期帶我們去買菜?誰帶爸爸去看醫生?艱難中,有關部門派很多義工來幫我們 。他們都是基督教徒,他們的無私,他們的愛心感動和激勵著我們。「基督徒」為什麼那麼特別?不求回報,只等待將來上帝的審判。年中我也得了哮喘症。我們怨天憂人,焦頭爛額,在苦海中掙扎…..找不到平安,只有恐懼。怕我們死了誰來照顧兩個孩子,漸漸焦慮成了我生活的主調。丈夫是因病失明,而我呢,我眼「瞎」了,當然就沒有深入探索,為什麼人變成「基督徒」就不一樣了!而我太差,也不敢做「基督徒」。多少痛苦就這樣白白受。


Testimony of Yu Ying Hou

I am an Indian born Chinese. After completing high school in India, I came to Beijing, China in 1958 to attend college, studying education. Upon graduation, I became a teacher, teaching Chinese language in a high school. In 1973, I was able to emigrate to Canada with the help of my mother and younger sister.

Canada is a friendly country with a lot of resources. But to us, the first generation of immigrants, making a living was not easy. Having lived in China, a country isolated from the outside world, for over 10 years, it was not easy for us to integrate into the new society. We only tried hard to earn money, taking up several jobs, hoping that tomorrow could be better.

Unfortunately, my husband got cancer and radiation damaged his optic nerve, causing him to lose his eyesight. Worry and anxiety engulfed the family. Who would take us grocery shopping and attending doctor appointments? Luckily, a department from the government sent some volunteers to help us. They were all Christians. Their unselfishness and love moved us and encouraged us. “Why were these Christians so special, seeking no returns, just looked up to God?”

In the meantime, I was diagnosed with asthma. We complained and worried and there was no peace of mind, only fear. “Who was going to look after our two children?” Living with fear and anxiety had became a part of our life. I did not try to find out why becoming a Christian could make things different. I thought I did not deserve to be a Christian. I wasted a lot of time living a helpless life.

Last year, because the doctor said I could no longer climb up and down the stairs, I could not live with my daughter anymore. Then I moved to Vintage Garden. Here I find Christians among the staff and the residents. Their love, peace and joy cause me to reflect. With the help of a neighbor, I start to study the Bible. I come to know that God is love, Christ is our Savior and the Holy Spirit lives in our heart. The God of Trinity is almighty, and with God everything is possible. I begin to pray and ask God to forgive my sins. Having made peace with God, my heart begins to calm down and worry and fear diminishes. Studying the book of Ephesians, I understand God has given us all kinds of blessings and we become new persons in Christ. We are the children of God. How blessed are we! Walking with God is my goal in life. I want to be baptized to become a real Christian, following the teachings of the Bible. Toronto Emmanuel Church serves God faithfully. A sister from the church comes to my place every Sunday afternoon to teach me what the pastor preached during Sunday worship and gives me individual guidance. They are God sent people and have become my teachers. I thank them very much.





但在2013年12月,我的大腸及胃需要緊急施手術,這突然而來的事把我嚇呆了!口中只懂不停地唱唯一認識的《耶穌愛我》歌。 就在這時,我奇妙地聽到一把溫柔慈愛的聲音,對我連續講了五次“Be patient, be good”。我當時感到全身溫暖和平安。在此同時,我兒子日明每次回家都手牽手為我禱告。
