1/ 五餅二魚中,孩童的「捨棄」(Give Up)
- 捨棄理所當然(Give up entitlement)
- 捨棄屬己事物(Give up what belongs to you)
- 捨棄計算計較(Give up the counting of cents and pennies of life)
2/ 五餅二魚中,孩童的「擔起」(Take Up)
- 擔起門徒的事(Take up the business of the disciples)
- 擔起他人的事(Take up the business of others)
- 擔起耶穌的事(Take up the business of Jesus)
3/ 五餅二魚中,孩童的「交託」(Lift Up)
- 把自己所有交託主(Lift up what you have to Jesus)
- 把生活難題交託主(Lift up what you are facing to Jesus)
- 把決定主權交託主(Lift up God’s sovereignty through our lives)
4/ 五餅二魚中,孩童的「仰望」(Look Up)
- 仰望主的悅納(Look up to Jesus’ acceptance)
- 仰望主的使用(Look up to Jesus’ commission)
- 仰望主行奇事(Look up to Jesus’ miraculous act)
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